Sharktooth Hill Fossil Shark Teeth
Buried Treasure Fossils offers incredible Sharktooth Hill fossils for sale including rare shark teeth, sea lions, dolphin, and whale. The famous Sharktooth Hill fossil beds reside north of Bakersfield, California contain a rich deposit of middle Miocene age (12 to 15 million years ago) fossil shark teeth. The teeth are contained in silt deposits that are occasionally exposed on private lands. These teeth are exhibit excellent preservation and color. BTFossils quality that you can trust. Authenticity guaranteed. Have a look.
- Hexanchus andersoni$795.00
An Ultra Rare, Top Quality Hexanchus andersoni lower jaw symphyseal tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. An October Fossil of the Month. A lower jaw symphyseal tooth with 5 primary cusps. Excellent tancolor. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed. Perfect symphyseal tooth with the unique H. andersoni design! The BEST! This tooth was part of a 25 year collection. My last symphyseal tooth.
ST601 SIZE: 3/4"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Allodesmus kernensis$345.00
An EXTRA LARGE, Top Quality Allodesmus kernensis, primitive sea lion, canine from the Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. Complete tooth - fully rooted. Excellent preservation and excellent color. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. A BIG Top Quality Allodesmus specimen!
ST1002 SIZE: 3-7/8"
Note - Adding 8 rare Sharktooth Hill mammal teeth fossils in October 2023. Link to Allodesmus teeth
- Desmostylus herperus$325.00
A very rare Desmostylus tooth from the Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. The chewing surface is incredibly preserved. A rare complete and fully rooted tooth. Excellent preservation and gorgeous color. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. Museum Quality specimen! The Desmostylus are considered Megalodon food along with the whales.My last STH Desmostylus teeth from the Ernst collection.
ST1041 SIZE: 1-3/4" (2-1/4" Height)
Note - Adding 8 rare Sharktooth Hill mammal teeth fossils in October 2023. Link to Desmostylus fossils
Learn More - Hexanchus andersoni$325.00
A Rare, Top Quality Hexanchus andersoni lower jaw tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. An October Fossil of the Month. A lower jaw tooth with 7 primary cusps. Excellent tancolor. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed. Perfect tooth. The BEST!
ST602 SIZE: 1-1/8"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis$295.00
"The Color Collection - North of the River" A LARGE, TOP QUALITY, Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis tooth with an excellent mix of light blue colors from the Sharktooth Hill area, Bakersfield, California. The root is very well preserved. Very clean crown. Extra wide root. Excellent overall preservation. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
ST001 SIZE: 2-13/16" (2" W)
Note - Adding 30 Sharktooth Hill Hastalis teeth in October 2023. Link to STH Hastalis teeth.
Learn More - Hexanchus andersoni$225.00
A Top Quality, rare Hexanchus andersoni tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. This lower jaw tooth remains on its original Round Mountain silt matrix. Excellent tan color. Eight primary cusps. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed.
ST607 SIZE: 1-3/16"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Hexanchus andersoni$225.00
A Top Quality, rare Hexanchus andersoni tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. A lower jaw tooth with 7 primary cusps. Note - there is a crack in the root - difficult to see. Excellent blue color. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed.
ST603 SIZE: 1-1/8"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Heterodontus sp.$225.00
A rare EXTRA LARGE, Top Quality Heterodontus dorsal spine - the Horn shark from the Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. These Heterodontus spines only occasionally fossilize and they are quite rare. A great defensive weapon for the Horn shark! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. The Sharktooth deposits produce the largest and best fossil Horn shark spines. This is a huge spine!
ST115 SIZE: 3-1/8"
Note - Adding 4 Heterodontus dorsal spines in February 2022. Link to Heterodontus fossils
- Echinorhinus blakei$225.00
A LARGE, Top Quality very rare Echinorhinus blakei, Bramble shark, tooth from Pyramid Hill, California. An extremely difficult shark tooth to find. Perfect cusps. This is an early Miocene tooth from the Jewitt Sand Formation. An excellect quality collector's tooth! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. A gem jar display is included.
ST222 SIZE: 1/2"
Learn More - Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis$215.00
"The Color Collection - North of the River" A TOP QUALITY, Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis tooth with an excellent mix of brown & blue colors from the Sharktooth Hill area, Bakersfield, California. The root is very well preserved. Very clean crown. Excellent overall preservation. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
ST005 SIZE: 2-1/2"
Note - Adding 30 Sharktooth Hill Hastalis teeth in October 2023. Link to STH Hastalis teeth.
Learn More - Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis$200.00
"The Color Collection - North of the River" A TOP QUALITY, Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis tooth with an excellent mix of blue colors from the Sharktooth Hill area, Bakersfield, California. The root is very well preserved. Very clean crown. Excellent overall preservation. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
ST006 SIZE: 2-9/16"
Note - Adding 30 Sharktooth Hill Hastalis teeth in October 2023. Link to STH Hastalis teeth.
Learn More - Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis$195.00
"The Color Collection - North of the River" A TOP QUALITY, Carcharodon (Isurus) hastalis tooth with an excellent mix of blue & tan colors from the Sharktooth Hill area, Bakersfield, California. The root is very well preserved. Very clean crown. Excellent overall preservation. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
ST008 SIZE: 2-5/16"
Note - Adding 30 Sharktooth Hill Hastalis teeth in October 2023. Link to STH Hastalis teeth.
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