Buried Treasure Fossils - Fossils for Sale


Buried Treasure Fossils  -   High Quality Shark Teeth, Dinosaur Teeth, and Fossils for Sale

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**  Posted -   Two GEM Quality Spinosurus hand claws, 3  -  6"+ Indonesia West Java Megalodon teeth, Oligocene Mammals posted 9 species / 49 specimens, ultra rare Virginia Red Site teeth  -  2 Alopias palatasi & a Parotodus benedeni, 2 extra large crinoid displays, an Orthoceras display, North Carolina Red Site update - 4 Megalodon, 7 Chubutensis, 7 Angustidens, 6 Auriculatus, 22 Mako and 6 Hemipristis teeth, 12 bison & 23 horse fossils, 3 Anzu (raptor) claws, Moroccan  update -  2  Palaeocarcharodon, 16 Otodus and 6 Onchopristis teeth, 4 Starfish / Brittle Stars, 12 Madagascar  ammonites, 12 Tyrannosaur teeth,12 Mosasaur teeth/jaw/vertebra, 8 crocodile teeth, 17 Madagascar ammonites, 7 French sand dollars, 6 Metasequoia branches, 21 Orthoceras specimens, 14 Triceratops bones, 14 Jurassic Gem dinosaur bones, 31 Green River Fm. fossil fish, 11 Spinosaurus teeth and a manus claw, 18 Triceratops teeth, 17 Ice Age Mammals fossils ( Cave Lion, Cave Leopard, European Badger, Cave Bear, Brown Bear, Wolf, and Paleolithic dog), So. Carolina - 12 Great White, 18 C. hastalis Mako and 17 Angustidens teeth, 8 top quality Russian trilobites, a Phytosaur vertebra, 10 Carcharodontosaurus & 10 Pterosaur teeth, 15 Top Quality Megalodon teeth from South Carolina and a Caribbean Megalodon tooth, 6 ancestral elephant teeth, 8  Morrison Fm. Jurassic teeth and a claw, 12 shrimp, 11 Moroccan Mako  teeth, "Kazakhstan month" concludes with rare Ptychodus teeth (6 species & 8 teeth published in the Ekaterinburg 1999 Vol. 2 journal) - 273 total rare Kazakhstan shark teeth posted (the Kolbay collection of rare Cretaceous teeth -14 Cretaceous species, 4 Oligocene species and 23 Eocene species including  Auriculatus & Otodus transition teeth,  Jaekelotodus, and Carcharodon praecursor), 

Note - Want to see "In Stock" Products only? - Use our new "Filter" at top of page and change from "All" to "In Stock".

            Welcome to our website. See our January  2025 to July 2024  Fossil of the Month offerings -  Posted two GEM Quality Spinosaurus manus claws, a special light gray & black XL Indonesian West Java Meg, ultra rare Virginia Red Site teeth  -  2 Alopias palatasi & a Parotodus benedeni, 2 extra large crinoid displays, a two large No. Carolina red site Megalodon teeth, a large Mako tooth & a special Angustidens tooth, an excellent Anzu wyliei manus claw, a 2" Palaeocarcharodon tooth, an excellent a 2-5/8" Tyrannosaur tooth, an excellent Mosasaur jaw, 9-3/4" Madagascar ammonite, an incredible Triceratops vertabra & brow horn section, two special Spinosaurus  teeth and  two rooted Triceratops teeth, Cave Leopard toes, Cave Lion canine, Europen Badger jaew and a Cave Bear jaw with bite makes, two excellent 3"+ So. Carolina Mako teeth, rare Psittacosaurus skull, and a 4-3/4" Carcharodontosaurus tooth, a GEM Quality  5-3/4" Caribbean Megalodon, 5-7/8" Jet Black Megalodon tooth & a 3-3/4" Chubutensis tooth, a gorgeous Wooly Mammoth tooth, ultra rare fully rooted Allosaurus tooth, two GEM Quality Torvosaurus teeth and an XL Camarsaurus tooth, 5 rare Ptychodus teeth from Kazakhstan which were published in the Ekaterinburg 1999 Vol. 2 journal, a rare Struthiomimus hand claw and XL foot bone, two rare Kazakhstan Parotodus teeth, four special and rare Kazakh Otodus aksuaticus teeth & a parasymphyseal Auriculatus tooth, an ultra rare Judith River Fm. 

*** Note - Free shipping excludes international orders of petrified wood, large Orthoceras pieces, books, frames, and a few other heavy items (total order weight over 8 ounces). I will apply all discounts prior to processing orders. International orders - please inquire about postage cost for orders under $100 that include multiple items. Website may over calculate postage.



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