Buried Treasure Fossils - Fossils for Sale

Buried Treasure Fossils - High Quality Shark Teeth, Dinosaur Teeth, and Fossils for Sale
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** Posted - Two GEM Quality Spinosurus hand claws, 3 - 6"+ Indonesia West Java Megalodon teeth, Oligocene Mammals posted 9 species / 49 specimens, ultra rare Virginia Red Site teeth - 2 Alopias palatasi & a Parotodus benedeni, 2 extra large crinoid displays, an Orthoceras display, North Carolina Red Site update - 4 Megalodon, 7 Chubutensis, 7 Angustidens, 6 Auriculatus, 22 Mako and 6 Hemipristis teeth, 12 bison & 23 horse fossils, 3 Anzu (raptor) claws, Moroccan update - 2 Palaeocarcharodon, 16 Otodus and 6 Onchopristis teeth, 4 Starfish / Brittle Stars, 12 Madagascar ammonites, 12 Tyrannosaur teeth,12 Mosasaur teeth/jaw/vertebra, 8 crocodile teeth, 17 Madagascar ammonites, 7 French sand dollars, 6 Metasequoia branches, 21 Orthoceras specimens, 14 Triceratops bones, 14 Jurassic Gem dinosaur bones, 31 Green River Fm. fossil fish, 11 Spinosaurus teeth and a manus claw, 18 Triceratops teeth, 17 Ice Age Mammals fossils ( Cave Lion, Cave Leopard, European Badger, Cave Bear, Brown Bear, Wolf, and Paleolithic dog), So. Carolina - 12 Great White, 18 C. hastalis Mako and 17 Angustidens teeth, 8 top quality Russian trilobites, a Phytosaur vertebra, 10 Carcharodontosaurus & 10 Pterosaur teeth, 15 Top Quality Megalodon teeth from South Carolina and a Caribbean Megalodon tooth, 6 ancestral elephant teeth, 8 Morrison Fm. Jurassic teeth and a claw, 12 shrimp, 11 Moroccan Mako teeth, "Kazakhstan month" concludes with rare Ptychodus teeth (6 species & 8 teeth published in the Ekaterinburg 1999 Vol. 2 journal) - 273 total rare Kazakhstan shark teeth posted (the Kolbay collection of rare Cretaceous teeth -14 Cretaceous species, 4 Oligocene species and 23 Eocene species including Auriculatus & Otodus transition teeth, Jaekelotodus, and Carcharodon praecursor),
Note - Want to see "In Stock" Products only? - Use our new "Filter" at top of page and change from "All" to "In Stock".
Welcome to our website. See our January 2025 to July 2024 Fossil of the Month offerings - Posted two GEM Quality Spinosaurus manus claws, a special light gray & black XL Indonesian West Java Meg, ultra rare Virginia Red Site teeth - 2 Alopias palatasi & a Parotodus benedeni, 2 extra large crinoid displays, a two large No. Carolina red site Megalodon teeth, a large Mako tooth & a special Angustidens tooth, an excellent Anzu wyliei manus claw, a 2" Palaeocarcharodon tooth, an excellent a 2-5/8" Tyrannosaur tooth, an excellent Mosasaur jaw, 9-3/4" Madagascar ammonite, an incredible Triceratops vertabra & brow horn section, two special Spinosaurus teeth and two rooted Triceratops teeth, Cave Leopard toes, Cave Lion canine, Europen Badger jaew and a Cave Bear jaw with bite makes, two excellent 3"+ So. Carolina Mako teeth, rare Psittacosaurus skull, and a 4-3/4" Carcharodontosaurus tooth, a GEM Quality 5-3/4" Caribbean Megalodon, 5-7/8" Jet Black Megalodon tooth & a 3-3/4" Chubutensis tooth, a gorgeous Wooly Mammoth tooth, ultra rare fully rooted Allosaurus tooth, two GEM Quality Torvosaurus teeth and an XL Camarsaurus tooth, 5 rare Ptychodus teeth from Kazakhstan which were published in the Ekaterinburg 1999 Vol. 2 journal, a rare Struthiomimus hand claw and XL foot bone, two rare Kazakhstan Parotodus teeth, four special and rare Kazakh Otodus aksuaticus teeth & a parasymphyseal Auriculatus tooth, an ultra rare Judith River Fm.
*** Note - Free shipping excludes international orders of petrified wood, large Orthoceras pieces, books, frames, and a few other heavy items (total order weight over 8 ounces). I will apply all discounts prior to processing orders. International orders - please inquire about postage cost for orders under $100 that include multiple items. Website may over calculate postage.
Also please see other Fossils Of The Month offerings 5 special Hadrosaur bones & claws, a GEM QUALITY 4-1/2" Spinosaurus tooth, five very special Troodontid teeth, a rare 3" Venice Beach Mako tooth, two exceptional NC red site Megalodon & a Great White shark tooth, an excellent Dire Wolf canine and a Glyptodon scute, two XL Great White shark teeth, an incredible Triceratops brow horn, four very special Georgia Meg teeth including a 6-5/16" tooth., a GEM Quality 2-1/4" T. rex tooth, two rare Russian Cow shark teeth, an exceptional Ornithomimd hand claw, an ultra rare 6-1/4" Lee Creek Megalodon tooth, a large multiple specimen Brittle Star plate, two extraordinary Mastodon teeth, two special Chilean Hexanchus teeth, a large Vermicularia gastropod cluster , a large Archimedes bryozoan, one of my finest 6-1/2" So. Carolina Megalodon teeth, a Columbian Mammoth jaw, a exceptional Gomphotherium tooth, an XL Allosaurus tooth, rooted Diplodocus and Camarasaurus teeth, a Hadrosaur dinosaur egg, large Mioplosus fish with frame, a large fossil fern display piece, two Mammoth teeth with stands, an Eurypterid (Sea Scorpion), a "GEM" quality Carcharodontosaurus tooth, and two colorful Arizona petrified wood slab displays, 3 special Fossil Coral display pieces, top quality 4-3/4" Moroccan Megalodon tooth, a Moroccan Hexanchus symphyseal tooth, an incredible Triceratops nasal horn, brow horn & hoof core, a rare sea urchin plate with the original spines attached, Sharktooth Hill 5"+ Megalodon tooth , two perfect Hexaxanchus andersoni teeth including an ultra rare symphyseal plus an Allodesmus jaw and a rooted Desmostylus tooth, incredible pair of T. rex teeth on matrix, a natural Araucaria pine cone on matrix, two incredible rooted Triceratops teeth, a special quality Anzu; wyliei pes claw and metatarsal, an ultra rare Green River Fm. bird feather and an Ash stem with three leaves.
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Buried Treasure Fossils - Fossils for Sale
Some of the greatest animals to roam the earth lived millions of years ago. Yet we can still find remnants of their lives in the form of fossils. Fossils are one of the most interesting ways to learn more about those that came before. It is amazing that we can still find fossils of dinosaurs and other animals, fish, and reptiles that have been extinct for millions of years. The excitement you feel when you touch and examine a fossil can be exhilarating. Whether you are a collector or want to get started, you can buy fossils for sale online. And if you want to promote STEM and the sciences by buying quality fossils as meaningful gifts for your children or grand children.
Types of Fossils
There are many types of fossils for sale. You can choose from a large variety of different fossils, depending on your interests. Some of the most interesting fossils include Megalodon teeth, shark teeth, dinosaur teeth, mosasaur, ammonite, trilobites, fish, bear, mastodons, mammoths and more. Fossilized teeth are among the most popular because they are made to withstand time. They have lasted millions of years longer than the animals that they belonged to. Teeth range greatly in size, depending on the type of animal they came from. Some teeth are quite small while others are rather large. You can start or add to your collection of teeth and fossils when you purchase fossils for sale.
About Fossils
Fossils are the preserved traces of an animal or plant life that existed many years ago. The animal or plant was pressed into the rock as it formed in the earth over time. The remains left indentations that show the plant or animal’s shape or skeleton form. Fossils are quite fun to collect because each one is a unique treasure. They are each a window into the past that shows some type of life that existed millions of years before our society. Many of the fossils that are discovered are of animals or plants that are extinct today. The only way we can learn about them or even know of their existence is through fossils. Fossils used to be seen only in museums or special exhibits. Today, you can collect them by purchasing fossils for sale. You don’t have to be an archeologist to collect fossils. They are now available to anyone who is interested in starting or adding to their collection. Hobbyists around the world are interested in collecting fossils. There are some fossils that are easy to find and others that are rare. As you begin your collection you can start with some of the most common fossils for sale and add to your collection as you go along. You can find some fossils and animal teeth for under $50. This makes the hobby quite affordable. It is fun to locate new fossils for your collection and learn something about the animal at the same time. The hobby is exciting for adults and children alike. It is a hobby that can last a lifetime. You can shop in our online store to find new and interesting fossils for your collection.
Great White Shark Tooth
Anyone who has seen the movie “Jaws” may be obsessed with the screen version of the Great White shark. Great White sharks are a modern species which is believed to have developed from the Mako shark. Great White sharks are common predators in all the world’s major oceans. They primarily thrive along coastal waters. Great white sharks can be as large as 20 feet in length and weigh as much as 4,000 pounds. Many people enjoy collecting a Great White shark tooth.
Collecting a Great White Shark Tooth
A Great White shark tooth is somewhat difficult to obtain. That is because Great White sharks are protected. As a protected species, Great White shark teeth from modern sharks can only be obtained from sharks that have been captured. Therefore, when you want to find a Great White shark tooth it must often come from an old collection. This makes them rather hard to find. It is interesting to note that when you compare a current Great White shark tooth with one from a fossil predecessor you will find that the teeth are becoming larger. Great White sharks have been known to attack people. When they attack their teeth can do quite a bit of damage. Teeth can come from the upper or lower jaws. The modern Great White shark is also known by their scientific name, Carcharodon Carcharias. Likely the most common teeth found today from this species are transitional teeth. These are the teeth that have common characteristics of both of their ancestors, the Mako shark, and the modern Great White shark. The giant Mako shark is extinct.
Fossilized Shark Teeth
Shark teeth have been collected for many hundreds of years. Shark teeth have been used for making tools and weapons for thousands of years as well as for blades as a forerunner to the modern knife. In the middle ages, shark teeth were thought to be a cure for poison and as such they provided protection. They were thus worn as necklaces to protect the wearer from harm. Today, people still wear shark teeth as symbols of good luck. You can find many modern and fossilized shark teeth for sale online. When you choose shark teeth, look for size, color, and rarity. Modern shark teeth are white. The whiter the tooth the more desirable it is to collectors. The larger sized shark teeth are generally rarer because they came from a larger shark. If you are just starting out a fossil collection you will certainly want to include a Great White tooth. You can find some smaller, more common Great White teeth at very reasonable prices. As you increase your collection you will want to upgrade to a much rarer and more significant Great White tooth. View photos of the tooth before you decide. You can compare a variety of different teeth to choose the one that best fits your collection and your budget. You may want to add several of these teeth to your group.
Megalodon Tooth
The megalodon shark is considered the largest shark that ever lived. It is a prehistoric shark that lived millions of years ago during the Pliocene and Miocene periods. They were one of the most common sharks in the world and therefore you can find a Megalodon tooth for your collection without too much difficulty. The Megalodon is considered to be the largest of all prehistoric sharks reaching up to a whopping 60 feet in length.
About the Megalodon Shark
When you see a Megalodon tooth you will understand the enormous size of the species. The shark’s teeth can measure up to 7 inches in size, but most are slightly smaller than that. The Megalodon shark tooth is heart-shaped with serrated edges. The name Megalodon means large tooth.
The Megalodon tooth is about twice as large as the modern day Great White shark tooth. The teeth are part of the most powerful jaw you can imagine. Scientists conducted research and determined that the Megalodon shark jaws can shut with a force that measures up to 18 tons per square inch. In comparison, the Great White shark clamps shut with a force of 1.8 tons.
It could easily chomp on huge prehistoric whales and other prey. They could easily bite down on almost any other fish or reptile that it encountered. It could crush the head or body of most prey that it came up against. It was likely that the shark attacked the prey in the fins to disable it and then was able to enjoy the meal.
The Megalodon was found to occupy all the oceans including warm waters. They could be found all over the world and were hampered from inland areas only by their large size. As a result, the Megalodon tooth has been found in all parts of the globe.
Purchasing Fossilized Teeth
The Megalodon shark was one of the most common sharks of their period and thus there are likely many teeth available. They may come from many parts of the world and are quite interesting. Most every fossil collector wants to have a large prehistoric shark tooth as part of their display. When choosing prehistoric shark teeth there are several factors to consider. These include the size, condition, color, and rarity. These factors combined will determine the price of the tooth. You can find shark teeth at affordable prices. The largest size shark teeth are the least common and therefore often the most sought after by collectors. They can be upwards of 7 inches in size, easily making them the largest shark tooth in anyone’s collection. Most are in the 6-inch range. Choose a tooth that has good color and definition. The best specimens are those that are in good or excellent condition with no cracks or damage. Some of the best shark teeth have been found in locations including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and California in the United States. Many have also been made available from Chile and Peru although they are also found in a variety of other locations around the world.
Shark Teeth for Sale
Collecting shark teeth is one of the most interesting and fun hobbies for kids and adults alike. Sharks are always shedding their teeth and growing new ones, so they can go through many teeth during their lifetime. Shark teeth are the only part of a shark that is fossilized. They are some of the most common types of fossils and are particularly interesting for beginning as well as seasoned hobbyists. You can purchase a wide variety of shark teeth for sale online.
About Shark Teeth
Different species of sharks have different types of teeth. Some of the oldest sharks have been dated using their fossilized teeth and may date back as far as 450 million years. Some of the most commonly found shark teeth for sale are from the Cenozoic era. The price of the teeth is based primarily on the rarity of the tooth as well as the condition and size. Some of the rarest shark teeth for sale can cost thousands of dollars but you can begin your collection with some less expensive teeth that are under $100. Some of the most popular fossil shark teeth include Megalodon, Chubuntensis, Angustindens, Auriculatus, Great White, Mako, Snaggletooth, Otodus, and Paleozoic among others. You can learn quite a bit about a shark by viewing his teeth. For example, you will be able to tell what type of food they likely ate and even where they may have lived. Some teeth are designed to be used on prey that is difficult to crush, such as crustaceans. These sharks generally feed on the bottom of the ocean. Pointed or needle teeth are likely used by sharks that feed on other fish and likely live in the middle portion of the ocean. Some teeth are serrated to make it easy to chew larger prey. You can classify the type of teeth to determine the shark they belonged to and where they likely lived.
What to Look for When Buying Shark Teeth
There are some important things to look for when you consider choosing shark teeth for sale. The size of the tooth is determined generally by the type of shark from which it came. When you find an extra-large tooth, it was very likely from a large shark and may be rarer than others. Look at the quality of the fossilized shark tooth. High-quality teeth are probably going to be worth more, especially when combined with rarity. However, you can find some good quality shark teeth that may be slightly less expensive to add to your collection. Size is another important factor to consider when choosing shark teeth. They can range in size depending on the species of shark. The color of shark teeth can also vary. You will want to do some research on the various types of teeth that are available. As you add to your collection you will begin to start looking for specific types of teeth. You can find a large selection of shark teeth on our website.
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