Shop by Shark Tooth Locality
- Hexanchus griseus - Sixgill Cow shark$475.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality upper jaw Hexanchus tooth - the Sixgill Cow shark, from the Lee Creek mine, Aurora, No. Carolina. This tooth has a rich blue & tan crown with a tan root. Fivemain cusps (complete). Incredible color and preservation. These are Miocene age, Pungo River Formation teeth. A Perfect tooth. A fantastic collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. Complete Lee Creek Hexanchus teeth are rarely found, and this is the first time that I can offer them!
LC641 Size: 1"
Note - Adding 39 Lee Creek Cow Shark teeth in February 2023 Link to Lee Creek Cow shark teeth.
Learn More - Hexanchus gigas - Chile$475.00
An Ultra Rare, Hexanchus griseus symphyseal tooth from the Caldera Basin of Chile. This is complete lower jaw symphyseal tooth. A rare male shark. Superb preservation and color. Nine plus very sharp and one primary cusp surrounded by many small pathologic cusps. An excellent complete root. Authenticity guaranteed. Museum Quality collector's tooth. Unfortunately there are no more teeth coming from this site. This is a piece from an old collection.
C402L Size: 13/16" W (13/16" H)
Note - Adding 22 new Chilean Hexanchus teeth in May 2021 -> Link to Hexanchus Teeth
Learn More - Basilosaurus cetoides (Archaeocete whale)$475.00
A TOP QUALITY, very rare Basilosaurus cetoides, an Archaeocete whale tooth found in the Suwanee River, Suwanee Co., Florida. An excellent canine or incisor tooth (see photo for tooth positions). An incredible red colored crown and a brown root. Nicely articulated. Note - enamel tip shows a very small wear pattern on crown. Whales do not shed their teeth like the sharks so there teeth will wear with age. An Eocene age tooth (35 MYA). No repair or restoration. A great Archaeocete tooth from the Suwanee River, Florida. A very rare collector's tooth from an old collection.
F1009 SIZE: 2-15/16"
Note - Adding a collection of 27 Basilosaurus teeth from Florida and Georgia in July 2023. Link to Basilosaurus teeth.
- Otodus sokolovi - Morocco$475.00
A rare, Top Quality Otodus sokolovi tooth from Boujdour, Western Sahara, Morocco. Enamel quality is excellent with an excellent large bourlette. The serrations are very sharp - razor sharp. The side cusps are complete with uniform serrations. The root is massive and complete. Exceptional preservation. This tooth is a Late Eocene age, Aridal Formation (approx. 42 million years ago). No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
M046 SIZE: 3"
Adding 12 Otodus sokolovi teeth in October 2023. Link to Moroccan Otodus sokolovi teeth.
- Otodus sokolovi - Morocco$475.00
A rare, Top Quality Otodus sokolovi tooth from Boujdour, Western Sahara, Morocco. Enamel quality is excellent with an excellent large bourlette. The serrations are very sharp - razor sharp. The side cusps are complete with uniform serrations. The root is massive and complete. Exceptional preservation. This tooth is a Late Eocene age, Aridal Formation (approx. 42 million years ago). No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed.
M045 SIZE: 3"
Adding 12 Otodus sokolovi teeth in October 2023. Link to Moroccan Otodus sokolovi teeth.
- Notorynchus primigenius - Belgium$450.00
A rare, EXTRA LARGE Top Quality Sevengill Cow shark (Notorhynchus primigenius) - a lower jaw symphyseal shark tooth from Hoevenen, Belgium. Late Miocene age from the Antwerp Sand Member. An excellent tooth for the rare tooth collector! No repair or restoration. A near perfect tooth. Authenticity guaranteed.
B406 Size: 5/8"
Note - Adding 9 Belgium Cow shark teeth in January 2023 -> Link to Belgium Shark Teeth
Learn More - Hexanchus griseus - Sixgill Cow shark$450.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality upper jaw Hexanchus tooth - the Sixgill Cow shark, from the Lee Creek mine, Aurora, No. Carolina. This tooth has a rich tan crown with a tan root. Three main cusps (complete). Incredible color and preservation. These are Miocene age, Pungo River Formation teeth. A Perfect tooth. A fantastic collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. Complete Lee Creek Hexanchus teeth are rarely found, and this is the first time that I can offer them!
LC640 Size: 1-3/16"
Note - Adding 39 Lee Creek Cow Shark teeth in February 2023 Link to Lee Creek Cow shark teeth.
Learn More - Otodus auriculatus - Kazakhstan$450.00
A rare, early Auriculatus anterior tooth from Kzil-Orda region, Kazakhstan. The bourlette is complete. Excellent coarse serrations, large side cusps serrations, and with very irregular serrations. These teeth exhibit fantastic color, gloss, and preservation. A rare early Eocene Auriculatus tooth (Ypresian age - 55 MYA)! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. This is the true early Eocene Auriculatus tooth! My largest Kazakh Otodus auriculatus teeth!.
K501 SIZE: 2-1/2"
Note - Adding 24 Kazakh Auriuclatus or transition teeth in July 2024. --> Link to Kazakh Auriculatus teeth.
Learn More - Ptychodus rugosus - Kazakhstan$450.00
"The Ptychodus Collection." A LARGE, rare Top Quality Ptychodus rugosus tooth from Alga, Aktjubinsk Region, Kazakhstan. A September Fossil of the Month. Great color and condition. An excellent Late Cretaceous (Santonian - 84 MYA) age tooth. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. You will enjoy these rare Kazakh teeth. A special piece from an old collection that was not available commercially. Note - This tooth was featured in Ekaterinburg 1999 Vol. 2, Pg. 237, Plate 2, Fig. 4.
K1514 SIZE: 1-1/8" x 7/8" (5/8" height)
Posting 17 rare Ptychodus teeth in September 2024. Link to Kazakh Ptychodus teeth
Learn More - Polyrhizodus sp.$425.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality Polyrhizodus sp., an extinct primitive shark tooth, from the Paleozoic era in Kentucky. A May Fossil of the Month. Great color with an incredible rainbow iridescent scene on the crown. A well preserved specimen. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. An exceptional rare collector's tooth!
Age: Upper Mississippian (330 MYA); Salem Limestone Fm.
Location: Hardin Co., Kentucky
Z036 SIZE: 13/16"
Adding 55 US Paleozoic teeth in May 2022 --> Link to US Paleozoic teeth
Learn More - Otodus sokolovi - Morocco$425.00
A rare, Top Quality Otodus sokolovi tooth from Boujdour, Western Sahara, Morocco. Enamel quality is excellent with an excellent large bourlette. The serrations are very sharp - razor sharp. The side cusps are complete with uniform serrations. The root is massive and complete. Exceptional preservation. This tooth is a Late Eocene age, Aridal Formation (approx. 42 million years ago). No repair or restoration! Authenticity guaranteed.
M048 SIZE: 3"
Adding 12 Otodus sokolovi teeth in October 2023. Link to Moroccan Otodus sokolovi teeth.
- Parotodus benedeni - Australia$425.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality Parotodus benedeni (False Mako) shark tooth from the Australian Portland Cement Ltd quarry, Batesford, Victoria, Australia. A May Fossil of the Month. Incredible color and preservation. Complete tooth. This tooth is Middle Miocene (Batesfordian) from the Batesford Limestone Fm. Note - tghe end of the tip was professionally restored. It is difficult to tell. A rare collector's Parotodus benedeni tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. Australian fossil shark teeth are nearly impossible to source. This is a great specimen from an old collection.
AU14 Size: 1-13/16"
Note - Adding 26 Australian - New Zealand shark teeth in May 2024 Link to Australian - New Zealand shark teeth