Auriculatus Teeth

Auriculatus Teeth

Buried Treasure Fossils offers excellent teeth from O. auriculatus, the first Giant White sharkAuriculatus teeth are noted for their triangular crown and very large side cusps which are heavily serrated. Another predecessor of the Megalodon. These teeth are from the Eocene (38 million years ago). Please note that all of these Auriculatus teeth were found in land sites around Harleyville, S.C., Kazakhstan, Morocco, Peru, etc. and exhibit the finest quality preservation.  No "river polish" or artificial shine like you will see on many of the river derived Auriculatus teeth. These teeth show extraordinary preservation and detail with razor sharp serrations! If you are looking for a great O. auriculatus, please have a look! Authenticity guaranteed.


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  1. Carcharocles auriculatus - Suwanee

    A rare, LARGE Top Quality Suwanee Auriculatus tooth from northern Florida. An exceptional upper jaw anterior tooth. Gorgeous charcoal gray colored crown with a brown colored bourlette, and brown root. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color & preservation with great river polish. The serrations are large and sharp with a good tip serration. The root is complete. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent collector's Suwanee River Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.

    F433           SIZE: 2-13/16"

    Note - Adding 5 Suwanee Auriculatus teeth in June 2019.     Link to the Suwanee Auriculatus teeth.

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  2. Carcharocles auriculatus

    A very rare Auriculatus lateral tooth from the deserts of Peru. An excellent tan crown and brown root. The serrations are very nice -  large and razor sharp. Excellent side cusp development and a complete root.  Excellent preservation.  These Peruvian Rics are very rare! You cannot find them any more. Authenticity guaranteed. One of the most dificult Auriculatus teeth to locate.    

    P079              SIZE: 2-1/8"

    Note - Adding 10 new Peruvian Auriculatus teeth in August 2021.    Link to Peru Auriculatus teeth

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  3. Carcharocles auriculatus - Florida

    A rare,Top Quality Suwanee Auriculatus tooth from the Withalacoochee River, northern Florida. An exceptional upper jaw lateral tooth. Gorgeous blue colored crown with a brown colored bourlette, and brown root. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color & preservation. The serrations are large and sharp with an excllent tip serration. The root is complete. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent collector's Withalacoochee River Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.

    F441           SIZE: 2-5/8"

    Note - Adding 15 Suwanee / Florida Auriculatus teeth in January 2022.     Link to the Suwanee Auriculatus teeth.

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  4. Carcharocles auriculatus - Florida

    A rare,Top Quality Suwanee Auriculatus tooth from the Santa Fe River, northern Florida. An exceptional upper jaw anterior tooth. Gorgeous brown colored crown with a brown colored bourlette, and brown root. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color & preservation. The serrations are large and sharp with a slightly worn tip serration. The root is complete. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent collector's Santa Fe River Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.

    F439           SIZE: 2-5/8"

    Note - Adding 15 Suwanee / Florida Auriculatus teeth in January 2022.     Link to the Suwanee Auriculatus teeth.

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  5. Carcharocles auriculatus - So. Carolina

    A LARGE, Top Quality Auriculatus tooth from Harleyville, So. Carolina. An excellent lateral tooth. A great tan colored crown with a tan colored bourlette, and a golden tan colored root. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color & preservation. The serrations are large and razor sharp. Two fantastic extra large side cusps. The root is complete and well preserved. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent BIG collector's Harleyville Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed. 

    SC403              SIZE: 3-3/16"  (2-13/16" wide)

    Note - Adding 12 Harleyville Auriculatus teeth in July 2022.     Link to the Harleyville Auriculatus teeth.

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  6. Otodus aksuaticus (Partial serrated)

    very rare, early Otodus aksuaticus anterior tooth from Kzil-Orda, Kazakhstan. A transitional tooth leading to O. auriculatus (see detailed discussion below) which leads to Megalodon. The bourlette is complete. This tooth exhibits small serrations along the lower 1/2 of the crown and micro serrations to the tip. These teeth exhibit excellent color, gloss, and preservation. A rare, early (Ypresian) Eocene Auriculatus transition tooth.  A very challenging tooth to find when building a Megalodon evolutionary set! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. This western Kazakhstan site is one of the few places in the world where the Otodus obliquus to Otodus auriculatus transition can be found in adjacent geologic layers. 

    K546         SIZE: 1-9/16"

    Note - Adding 24 Kazakh Auriuclatus or transition teeth in July 2024. -->  Link to Kazakh Auriculatus teeth.




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  7. Otodus auriculatus - Kazakhstan

    An ultra rare, early Auriculatus parasymphyseal tooth from Kzil-Orda region, Kazakhstan. A July Fossil of the Month. Note - The center teeth would rarely be lost during feeding. So, very few are in the fossil record. The bourlette is complete. Excellent coarse serrations and killer with typical small side cusps. These teeth exhibit fantastic color, gloss, and preservation. A rare early Eocene Auriculatus tooth (Ypresian age - 55 MYA)! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. The true early Eocene Auriculatus tooth!

    K515           SIZE: 3/4"

    Note - Adding 24 Kazakh Auriuclatus or transition teeth in July 2024. -->  Link to Kazakh Auriculatus teeth.

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  8. Carcharocles auriculatus

    A very rare Auriculatus anterior tooth from the deserts of Peru. An excellent tan crown and brown root. The serrations are very nice -  large and razor sharp. Excellent side cusp development and a complete root. Excellent preservation.  These Peruvian Rics are very rare! You cannot find them any more. Authenticity guaranteed. One of the most dificult Auriculatus teeth to locate.    

    P075              SIZE: 2-5/8"

    Note - Adding 10 new Peruvian Auriculatus teeth in August 2021.    Link to Peru Auriculatus teeth

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  9. Carcharocles auriculatus - Suwanee

    A rare, LARGE Top Quality Suwanee Auriculatus tooth from the Suwanee River, northern Florida. An exceptional upper jaw lateral tooth. Gorgeous green colored crown with a brown colored bourlette, and brown root. Highest quality enamel with great river polish. Excellent color & preservation. The serrations are large and sharp with a slightly damaged tip serration. The root is complete. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent BIG collector's Suwanee River Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.

    F435           SIZE: 2-3/4"

    Note - Adding 15 Suwanee / Florida Auriculatus teeth in January 2022.     Link to the Suwanee Auriculatus teeth.

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  10. Carcharocles auriculatus - Florida

    A rare,Top Quality Suwanee Auriculatus tooth from the Santa Fe River, northern Florida. An exceptional upper jaw anterior tooth. Gorgeous tan colored crown with a brown colored bourlette, and brown root. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color & preservation. The serrations are large and sharp with a slightly worn tip serration. The root is complete. It is very hard to find these teeth in perfect condition. An excellent collector's Santa Fe River Auriculatus tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.

    F438           SIZE: 2-11/16"

    Note - Adding 15 Suwanee / Florida Auriculatus teeth in January 2022.     Link to the Suwanee Auriculatus teeth.

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  11. Otodus auriculatus - Kazakhstan

    A rare, early Auriculatus lateral tooth from Kzil-Orda region, Kazakhstan. The bourlette is complete. Excellent coarse serrations, large side cusps serrations, and with very irregular serrations. These teeth exhibit fantastic color, gloss, and preservation. A rare early Eocene Auriculatus tooth (Ypresian age - 55 MYA)! No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. This is the true early Eocene Auriculatus tooth!

    K507           SIZE: 1-7/8"

    Note - Adding 24 Kazakh Auriuclatus or transition teeth in July 2024. -->  Link to Kazakh Auriculatus teeth.

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  12. Otodus auriculatus - NC Red Site    

    An EXTRA LARGE, HIgh Quality copper red colored Auriculatus lateral tooth from the Meherrin River, No. Carolina. Excellent rare copper red colors. Very good preservation and condition. A good bourlette. The serrations are large. Nice side cusp.  A rare collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed.   

    NC102          SIZE: 3-5/8"

    Note - Adding 6 NC Red Site Auriculaus teeth in January 2025.   Link to NC Red Site Auriculatus Teeth


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