Odontaspis ferox

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An EXTRA LARGE, TOP QUALITY Odontaspis ferox anterior tooth with four sharp side cusps from Chile. A Sand Tiger shark. Great color and preservation. Super collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed.  Check out my new Blog - The Best of Chile - Shark Teeth   https://www.buriedtreasurefossils.com/blog/post/the-best-of-chile-fossil-shark-teeth/

C651           SIZE: 1-1/4"

Note - Adding 8 new Chilean Odontaspis teeth in March 2020  ->  Link to Odontaspis teeth

This catalog contains very well preserved and unique teeth from the Sand Tiger shark - Odontaspis ferox. These teeth show exceptional color and exquisite detail. A key characteristic of the Odontaspis ferox is a narrow crown with spike-like side cusps. Pliocene age (4 million years ago). This is an incredible group of museum to near museum quality teeth - extra large size.

These teeth are very fragile and easily lose their side cusps. Complete teeth are very difficult to locate. Note - there has been no new supply of Chilean teeth since 2006.

Note - All teeth sizes are slant height unless otherwise noted.