Aetomylaeus sp.                                          

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An excellent Aetomylaeus sp., an Eagle ray, mouth plate from Caldera area of Chile. An excellent plate of pavement teeth from the lower jaw. This plate has exceptional preservation, gorgeous brown color, and exceptionally clean.  Note - the bottom surface of this specimen is fully exposed.  An incredible late Miocene Eagle ray mouth plate from the Bahia Inglesa Fm.  Authenticity guaranteed.

C954        SIZE: 1-1/16"  (7/8" W)

This catalog contains very well preserved and extra large teeth from an Aetomylaeus sp., an Eagle ray. Please note that this genera was identified in 2019 and it is a sister genera to MyliobatusThese beautiful teeth show exceptional color and exquisite detail. Upper jaw, lower jaw and stinger barbs are included. Late Miocene-Pliocene age (4-6 million years ago). This is an incredible group of museum to near museum quality. This is an incredible group of ray teeth from my old inventory. Chile produces the finest examples of Eagle ray teeth.

Note -  All ray teeth sizes are length  x width. 
