Ptychodus mammillaris                          

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A Top Quality Ptychodus mammillaris tooth from Ness Co., Kansas. An excellent example of this Cretaceous shark. Authenticity guaranteed. Perfect tooth.

KS363           SIZE: 9/16" x 9/16"

Note - Adding 3 new P. mammillaris teeth in April 2020.   Link to Kansas P. mammillaris teeth


This catalog contains exceptional teeth from one of very difficult to locate Ptychodus sharks - Ptychodus anonymus, Ptychodus mortoni, Ptychodus mammillaris, etc. which are Hybodotid sharks. These teeth were found in the Carlile Shale Fm. of Ness County and other Kansas locations which was part of the great inland sea area of North America during the Cretaceous (70-90 million years ago). These are beautiful, well preserved teeth. These teeth are high quality - extra nice condition and preservation.
