Cow Shark Teeth

Buried Treasure Fossils offers Cow shark teeth for sale. These intricate fossil shark teeth are highly sought after by collectors. Both the Sixgill shark and Sevengill cow shark species are included. We offer an incredible selection of Hexanchus, Notorhynchus, Notidanidon, and Weltonia cow shark teeth for sale including rare symphyseal teeth. Authenticity guaranteed.
- Notorynchus primigenius - Belgium$250.00
A rare, Top Quality Sevengill Cow shark (Notorhynchus primigenius) - a lower jaw symphyseal shark tooth from Hoevenen, Belgium. Late Miocene age from the Antwerp Sand Member. No repair or restoration. An excellent tooth for the rare tooth collector! Authenticity guaranteed.
B403 Size: 7/16"
Note - Adding 12 Belgium Notorynchus teeth in August 2022 -> Link to Belgium Cow Shark Teeth
Learn More - Hexanchus griseus - Peru$250.00
An Ultra Rare, Hexanchus griseus tooth from the Sacaco area of Peru. This is complete lower jaw tooth. Superb preservation and color. Ten very large and sharp primary cusps. An excellent complete root that has a crack, but the crown never cracked. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. Museum Quality rare collector's tooth. Unfortunately there are no more teeth coming from this site. This is a piece from an old collection.
P753 Size: 1-7/16" (wide)
Note - Adding 9 new Peruvian Hexanchus teeth in March 2022 -> Link to Hexanchus Teeth
Learn More - Hexanchus griseus - Sixgill Cow shark$250.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality lower jaw Pathologic Hexanchus tooth - the Sixgill Cow shark, from the Lee Creek mine, Aurora, No. Carolina. This pathologic tooth has a compressed root. This tooth has a rich blue & tan crown with a tan root. Seven main cusps (two have some damage). Incredible color and preservation. These are Miocene age, Pungo River Formation teeth. A near Perfect tooth. A fantastic collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. Complete Lee Creek Hexanchus teeth are rarely found, and this is the first time that I can offer them!
LC638 Size: 1-1/16"
Note - Adding 39 Lee Creek Cow Shark teeth in February 2023 Link to Lee Creek Cow shark teeth.
Learn More - Hexanchus gigas - Chile$250.00
An EXTRA LARGE, Pathologic Top Quality Hexanchus griseus tooth from the Caldera Basin of Chile. This is complete lower jaw tooth from a large shark. Superb preservation and color. Nine primary cusps with a strangely shaped first cusp. An excellent root which is very unique & extremely difficult to find! Note - there is a hair light crack. A near Perfect rare collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. Unfortunately there are no more teeth coming from this site. This rare piece is from an old collection.
C404L Size: 1-13/16"
Note - Adding 18 new Chilean Hexanchus teeth in February 2024 -> Link to Hexanchus Teeth
Learn More - Notidanodon lanceolatus - Russia$250.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality Notidanodon lanceolatus , Six-gill Cow shark, tooth from Stariy Oskol Mine, Stariy Oskol, Russia. This upper jaw tooth has 5 primary cusps. An Early Cretaceous (Albian) Cow shark species (115 MYA) . No repair or restoration. The Russian Cow shark teeth are quite rare and excellent examples are hard to locate. Authenticity guaranteed. Near perfect tooth. Old collection material. The Cow shark teeth from Russia were never commercially available!
R403 SIZE:1-5/16
Note - Adding 13 Rare Russian & Ukraine Cow shark teeth in March 2024. Russian Cow shark teeth Catalog
- Hexanchus andersoni$225.00
A Top Quality, rare Hexanchus andersoni tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. This lower jaw tooth remains on its original Round Mountain silt matrix. Excellent tan color. Eight primary cusps. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed.
ST607 SIZE: 1-3/16"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Hexanchus andersoni$225.00
A Top Quality, rare Hexanchus andersoni tooth from Sharktooth Hill area, near Bakersfield, California. A lower jaw tooth with 7 primary cusps. Note - there is a crack in the root - difficult to see. Excellent blue color. One of the most difficult Hexanchus teeth to find! Authenticity guaranteed.
ST603 SIZE: 1-1/8"
Note - Adding 9 Hexanchus andersoni teeth in October 2023. Link to Hexanchus andersoni teeth.
Learn More - Notidanodon loozi$225.00
An EXTRA LARGE, Top Quality Notidanodon loozi lower jaw tooth from the phosphate mines of Khouribgha, Morocco. A fantastic Cow shark tooth from the Paleocene period. A super collector's tooth! Incredible color and luster. Root corner reattached. This is typical good quality for a large Notidanodon tooth. Near perfect tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.
M646 SIZE: 1-15/16"
Note - Adding 12 new Moroccan Notidanodon teeth in October 2023 -> Link to Notidanodon Teeth
Learn More - Notidanodon loozi$225.00
A LARGE, Top Quality Notidanodon loozi lower jaw tooth from the phosphate mines of Khouribgha, Morocco. A fantastic Cow shark tooth from the Paleocene period. A super collector's tooth! Incredible color and luster. Root corner reattached. This is typical good quality for a large Notidanodon tooth. Near perfect tooth! Authenticity guaranteed.
M645 SIZE: 1-13/16"
Note - Adding 12 new Moroccan Notidanodon teeth in October 2023 -> Link to Notidanodon Teeth
Learn More - Hexanchus sp.$225.00
A Very Rare, Top Quality Hexanchus sp. lower jaw tooth from the Englishman River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. This is a new and undescribed genius / species from a Santonian (Late Cretaceous) deposit - 85 MMYA. A very unique species of Hexanchiforme shark. The crown is complete (6 cusps) and the root is complete. High quality enamel. No repair. A very difficult tooth to locate and an excellent collector's tooth. Authenticity guaranteed. This incredible specimen is from a 20 year old collection.
CD85 SIZE: 3/8" Wide
Note - Adding 64 Hornby Island deep water shark teeth. -> Link to all Hornby Island shark teeth.
Learn More - Notidanodon brotzeni - Russia$225.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality Notidanodon brotzeni, Six-gill Cow shark, tooth from Rastrigin, Volgograd Region, Russia. This lower jaw tooth has 5+ primary cusps. An Early Paleocene (Danian) Cow shark species (62 MYA) . No repair or restoration. The Russian Cow shark teeth are quite rare and excellent examples are hard to locate. Authenticity guaranteed. Some cusp damage. Old collection material. The Cow shark teeth from Russia were never commercially available!
R409 SIZE: 1-5/8"
Note - Adding 13 Rare Russian & Ukraine Cow shark teeth in March 2024. Russian Cow shark teeth Catalog
- Notidanodon lanceolatus - Russia$200.00
An ultra rare, Top Quality Notidanodon lanceolatus , Six-gill Cow shark, tooth from Stariy Oskol Mine, Stariy Oskol, Russia. This upper jaw tooth has 5 primary cusps. An Early Cretaceous (Albian) Cow shark species (115 MYA) . No repair or restoration. The Russian Cow shark teeth are quite rare and excellent examples are hard to locate. Authenticity guaranteed. Near perfect tooth. Old collection material. The Cow shark teeth from Russia were never commercially available!
R404 SIZE:1-1/8"
Note - Adding 13 Rare Russian & Ukraine Cow shark teeth in March 2024. Russian Cow shark teeth Catalog