Mammal Teeth & Fossils

Mammal Teeth & Fossils

Buried Treasure Fossils offers a large selection of top quality of fossil mammals for sale including marine mammal teeth, such as, desmostylus, dolphin, sea loin, seal, whale, and ancestral elephant teeth from the gomphotherium, mastodon, and mammoth. Authenticity guaranteed. Have a look.

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  1. Basilosaurus cetoides (Archaeocete whale)

    A TOP QUALITY, very rare Basilosaurus cetoides, an Archaeocete whale tooth found in the Suwanee River, Suwanee Co., FloridaAn excellent molar or premolar tooth (see photo for tooth positions).  An excellent brown colored crown and root. Nicely articulated. Note - enamel tip shows a small wear pattern on crown. Whales do not shed their teeth like the sharks so there teeth will wear with age. An Eocene age tooth (35 MYA).  No repair or restoration. A great Archaeocete tooth from the Suwanee River, Florida.  A very rare collector's tooth from an old collection.  

    F1004       SIZE: 2-3/8"

    Note - Adding a collection of 27 Basilosaurus teeth from Florida and Georgia in July 2023.   Link to Basilosaurus teeth.


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  2. Paramylodon harlani - Ground Sloth

    A TOP QUALITY Paramylodon harlani sloth claw from an extinct genus of giant ground sloths from northern Florida. This sloth is known as Harlan’s ground sloth. This tooth has excellent preservation. Excellent preservation of the proximal end. There is a little erosion on the tip of the claw. It's near complete with absolutely no restoration or repair. A wonderful Pleistocene giant ground sloth claw specimen. Authenticity guaranteed.

    X703          SIZE: 2-15/16”

    Note – adding 6 Ground Sloth claws & teeth in December 2022.   Link to Sloth fossils

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  3. Cave Bear jaw

    An exceptionally preserved, fossil Cave Bear jaw (Urusus spelaeus) from Romania. These large bears lived in the mountain caves from central Europe to Russia. An exceptional, large adult cave bear lower jaw. You can own a rare and wonderful story piece from the Ice Age!  No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. 

    Name: Urusus spelaeus      Age: Late Pleistocene      Location: Carpathian Mountains, Romania

    R506             SIZE: 9-1/2" 

    Note: Added 17 new Ice Age / Cave Bear fossils in October 2024.  Link -> Cave Bear Fossils

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  4. Basilosaurus cetoides (Archaeocete whale)

    A TOP QUALITY, very rare Basilosaurus cetoides, an Archaeocete whale tooth found in the Suwanee River, Suwanee Co., FloridaAn excellent canine or incisor tooth (see photo for tooth positions).  An excellent brown colored crown and root. Nicely articulated. Note - enamel tip shows a wear pattern on crown. Whales do not shed their teeth like the sharks so there teeth will wear with age. An Eocene age tooth (35 MYA).  No repair or restoration. A great Archaeocete tooth from the Suwanee River, Florida.  A very rare collector's tooth from an old collection.  

    F1008       SIZE: 3-1/2"

    Note - Adding a collection of 27 Basilosaurus teeth from Florida and Georgia in July 2023.   Link to Basilosaurus teeth.


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  5. Glyptodon reticulatus

    A rare LARGE, well preserved Glyptodon reticulatus scute from the Pampean region, Uruguay. A March Fossil of the Month. Glyptodon was the largest of the the oversized armadillos with a extremely thick shell. It evolved in the Pliocene and became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene in South America. This large scute is complete with no wear. Well fossilized. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. Note - International buyers will pay a shipping supplement to free shipping. Items weighs 1.3 lbs.

    X801           Size: 5-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 1-1/2"

    Name: Glyptodon reticulatus

    Age:  Pleistocene

    Location: Pampean region, Uruguay

    Note - Posting 26 mammal and reptile fossils in March 2024.  Link to Other Mammals

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  6. Gomphotherium

    On Sale  A beautifully perserved Miocene Gomphotherium molar from So. Carolina.  An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America and a close relative to the Mastodon & Mammoth. Very nice, evenly worn cusps. Good partial root. Well fossilized. Weighs 3 lbs+. No damage. No repair. An exceptional display piece. Authenticity guaranteed.

    X601                Size: 5"  x  3-1/4" W  x  4" H 

    Name: Gomphotherium

    Age:  Miocene - Pliocene

    Location: Morgan River, Beaufort Co., SC

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  7. Ice Age Gray Wolf - Canis lupus

    A Top Quality fossil Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) lower jaw with two teeth from southern Germany. These large wolves lived in the mountain caves from central Europe to Russia during the Ice Age. This jaw contains the canine and a large molar. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. You can own a rare and wonderful story piece from the Ice Age! 

    Name: Canis lupus     Age: Late Pleistocene     

    Location: Zoolithen cave, Bavaria, Germany

    R574             SIZE: 5-3/4" 

    Note: Added 17 Ice Age / Cave Bear items in October 2024.    Link -> Ice Age Fossils

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  8. Ice Age Euopean Badger

    A Top Quality fossil European Badger (Meles meles) lower jaw from southern Germany. An October Fossil of the Month. These badgers lived in and around mountain caves from central Europe to Russia during the Ice Age. A perfect lower jaw with 10 teeth. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. You can own a rare and wonderful story piece from the Ice Age. This piece is from an old German collection (1978).

    Name: Meles meles     Age: Late Pleistocene     

    Location: Zoolithenhohle (Zoolithen Cave), Bavaria, Germany

    R595             SIZE: 3" 

    Note: Added 17 Ice Age / Cave Bear items in October 2024.    Link -> Ice Age Fossils

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  9. Zygorhiza kochii (Archaeocete whale)

    A TOP QUALITY, very rare Archaeocete whale, Zygorhiza kochii. A large rear molar crown. Note - the rear molar has a flat four cusp design. An exceptional brown colored crown. Nicely articulated. Little root. This tooth has no repair. A great Archaeocete molar crown from So. Carolina.  A very rare collector's tooth.  

    SC1328        SIZE: 1-3/8"

    Note - 14 new Archaeocete whale teeth from So. Carolina added in November 2017. Our largest selection of top quality Archaeocete teeth ever!      Archaeocete Whale catalog link.

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  10. Basilosaurus cetoides (Archaeocete whale)

    A LARGE, TOP QUALITY, very rare Basilosaurus cetoides, an Archaeocete whale tooth found in the Suwanee River, Suwanee Co., FloridaAn excellent molar or premolar tooth (see photo for tooth positions).  An excellent brown colored crown and root. Nicely articulated. Note - enamel tip shows a wear pattern on crown. Whales do not shed their teeth like the sharks so there teeth will wear with age. An Eocene age tooth (35 MYA).  No repair or restoration. A great Archaeocete tooth from the Suwanee River, Florida.  A very rare collector's tooth from an old collection.  

    F1006       SIZE: 4"

    Note - Adding a collection of 27 Basilosaurus teeth from Florida and Georgia in July 2023.   Link to Basilosaurus teeth.


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  11. Basilosaurus cetoides (Archaeocete whale)

    A LARGE, TOP QUALITY, very rare Basilosaurus cetoides, an Archaeocete whale tooth found in the Suwanee River, Suwanee Co., FloridaAn excellent molar or premolar tooth (see photo for tooth positions).  An excellent brown colored crown and root. Nicely articulated. Note - enamel tip shows a wear pattern on crown. Whales do not shed their teeth like the sharks so there teeth will wear with age. An Eocene age tooth (35 MYA).  No repair or restoration. A great Archaeocete tooth from the Suwanee River, Florida.  A very rare collector's tooth from an old collection.  

    F1005       SIZE: 3-1/2"

    Note - Adding a collection of 27 Basilosaurus teeth from Florida and Georgia in July 2023.   Link to Basilosaurus teeth.


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  12. Coelodonta antiquitatis (Woolly Rhino)

    A High QUALITY, Coelodonta antiquitatis (Woolly Rhinoceros) jaw section with two teeth from Germany. This Ice Age monster lived during the Pleistocene  throughout Europe and northern Asia. This has two complete mplars and is well preserved. Rhino material is scarer than Mammoth fossils. An excellent display piece from the Rhine River, Germany. Authenticity guaranteed. 

    X756       SIZE: 5" (3" Height)

    Note - Posting 26 mammal and reptile fossils in March 2024.    Link to Rhinocereas teeth.


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