Carcharodontosaurus saharicus

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A Top Quality Carcharodontosaurus saharicus tooth from the Kem Kem deposits of Morocco. An excellent tan & red colored tooth. An incredibly colored tooth! Highest quality enamel. Excellent preservation. Excellent anterior and posterior serrations. Serrated to the tip. Extra wide root. This tooth was from a large dinosaur. No cracks. No repair or restoration. A Top Quality collector's tooth. Authenticity Guaranteed. A fantastic colored Carch tooth!

M1212     Size: 2-1/16"   (1-1/16" wide) 

Note - Added 14 new Carchardontosaurus teeth in October 2022.   Link to Carcharodontosaurus teeth.

Carcharodontosaurus was a very large Theropod dinosaur thought to be similar in size to T-Rex. The teeth are serrated like a knife and used to slice flesh. Carcharodontosaurus was the apex predator of its time in Cretaceous Africa (~100 MM years old) - a very fearsome dinosaur! These are incredibly preserved teeth from the monster dinosaur that was the T-Rex of northern Africa! This beast went extinct ~32 MM years prior to T-Rex.
