Otodus megalodon
An ultra rare, GEM North Carolina Carcharocles megalodon. A gorgeous tooth from the copper-red site. It has an incredible copper-red colored crown. The enamel is the highest possible quality with small hydration cracks. A complete dark brown bourlette. Incredible serrations and tip - 100% complete. An exceptional dark brown root with essentially no hydration cracks. A gorgeous North Carolina copper-red Megalodon shark tooth. An exceptional collector's tooth. Note - you rarely see a copper-red Megalodon shark tooth that has a top quality crown, root and serrations - a top 1% tooth from this site! The PERFECT copper-red Megalodon tooth. The finest quality copper-red Megalodon tooth that I have seen! NO repair! The BEST of the BEST!
NC002 SIZE: 4-5/8" (3-7/8" W)